robotics club
Each year, our school clears two periods dedicated to extra-curricular classes for tenth and ninth graders. Three years ago, we decided to collaborate with the school and add a robotics club class for ninth graders during these periods.
The purpose of the club is to familiarize newcomers with our robotics team and encourage them to join it next year (when they're old enough to do so). Moreover, our class helps expose more children to FIRST and robotics in general.
Each year, we introduce the class to all ninth-grade students and write a syllabus for the whole year.
As part of the class, two representatives from our team teach the students and let them experiment in robotics in our workshop.
Throughout the year, we teach the members of the class about mechanical principles, programming, and teamwork, while experimenting in building and programming LEGO robots.
This year, nine enthusiastic students participated in our class.